Effective Communication Across An Organization


Getting key information across an organization effectively can be difficult and a meandering process regardless of the size of the organization. Making sure that employees receive and understand the communicated information is a vital part of the process of maintaining a healthy, well-run organization.

There are multiple methods one can use to communicate efficiently and effectively across an organization; some might work better than others depending on multiple factors, such as the industry the organization is in, the context of the information being communicated, and the current technology being used in the organization.

Some examples of these methods are:

  • Email

  • Workplace messenger apps (Ex. Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.)

  • Virtual / In-person meetings

  • Phone calls

These methods are useful for getting information from place to place; however, it is also important to make sure that the content being communicated throughout the organization is clear and understandable as well. This can help save a lot of time in the future for an organization. For example, making sure to proofread emails may seem like a simple and easy task to do, but it can help prevent confusion and unnecessary work being done, which can cut costs and promote efficiency.

Employees are not just cogs on a wheel; they are all individuals with unique backgrounds, level of experience, and opinions. Utilizing these aspects of your employees to their fullest potential not only allows for organizational growth, but also allows for your employees to feel as though their opinion matters. Having a new perspective might just be what an organization needs for further growth!



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